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    Stephen Brimijoin, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic pharmacologist, discovered a surprising similarity between cocaine addiction and weight control. He was using an enzyme mutated to break down cocaine faster. So, at […]

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    It’s not always about new discoveries – it is figuring out how to apply existing technology in innovative ways. That is what a team from the University of Minnesota and […]

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    Developing new diagnostic technologies involves both scientific research and clinical applicability. That is why the partnership between John Bischof, Ph.D., a mechanical engineer at the University of Minnesota, and Bobbi […]

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    Children’s cancer, brain tumors, pancreatic cancer and a range of neurological conditions comprise the diseases targeted by this year’s research projects selected by the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical […]

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Partnership Mission

A Minnesota initiative leveraging the scientific leadership of the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic into a powerful research collaboration which has positioned Minnesota as a world leader in biotechnology and medical genomics.

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